
Midweek Practice Matches

Midweek Pennant Practice Matches 2023-2024
Tuesday 26th September @ BPH 9-45am til 12noon (casual clothes) BYO lunch
Tuesday 3rd October @ Belmont 9.30am for a 10am start (UNIFORM)  21 Ends
Tuesday 10th October vrs Lara @ Lara 9.30am for a 10am start (UNIFORM)  21 Ends
Tuesday 17th October @ BPH 9-45am til 12noon (casual clothes) BYO lunch
Tuesday 24th October Pennant 9-40am roll up 10am start
If you are unavailable for any of these dates, Please let Colleen know ASAP
If you are in need of a new Shirt or Jacket contact Colleen

Click Here for Teams